What Are Essential Oils?

Man-kinds first medicine.

What You May Need

Melaleuca Oil

Indian Clay Powder

Apple Cider Vinegar

Overview of Essential Oils:

Essential Oils are man-kinds first medicine. Currently 80% of the world’s population relies on holistic medicine as their primary form of healthcare

Ways to Use Essential Oils


    Powerful way to affect memory, hormones, and mood

    Cleanses air – destroys odors from mold, cigarettes, and animals; inhibits bacterial growth

    Removes metallic particles and toxins from the air


    Systemic effects – Works fast! Enters the blood stream within 30 seconds

    Topical effects – on skin, hair, mouth, teeth, nails, or mucous membranes

    Apply locally for immediate comfort

    Immune support



    Detoxifies the body

    Digestive support

    Taken internally in capsules, a beverage, or use when cooking

    * Only use pure therapeutic grade for internal consumption

    What are Essential Oils?

    Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that give them their scent and flavor, or “essence.” These oils are obtained through distillation (steam/water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. 

    Once the aromatic chemicals have been extracted, they are combined with a carrier oil to create a product that’s ready for use.

    Benefits of Essential Oils:

    Essential Oils can be used as aromatheraphy which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

    Essential Oils such as Peppermint can help to relieve headache pain after applied to the skin.

    Essential oils such as Lavendar can help to reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality.

    Essential oils like Oregano and Thyme, among others, may help to fight inflammation. 

    Essential oils have antibiotice and antimicrobial properties that can fight bacterial infections.

    Scholarly Articles


    Additional Recipes:

    Date Night Caramel

    Homemade Granola

    Homemade Snickers

    Orange Juice

    Boiled Crab

    Baked Bread