How to Develop a Morning Ritual

When all you want to do is drink coffee and watch Netflix all day, I’m here to tell you to get it together, Susan!

What You May Need


Book of Affirmations


Morning Ritual:

1 Cup of Tea 

3 Daily Achievable Goals

5 Deep Breaths

10 Minutes of Meditation

20 (or more) Minutes of Walking

60 Seconds of Self-Affirmation



    I have found that when I stick to a routine, I thrive, but I will be the first one to tell you that a routine can be something different every day. You don’t have to do each step at the exact same time day after day, to me, that would be boring. I love to switch up the times, the teas, the affirmations, and the goals to ensure that I am able to adjust to all that life throws at me. I think it is important to be able to implement a solid morning routine to ground yourself for the rest of the day but not have the anxiety to have to bound yourself to a certain time or place. We get enough of that chaos in our daily work schedule of being constantly on the go. 

    How do I develop a routine?

    First things first, be realistic with your goals and yourself when developing a new routine, if not, you can set yourself up for failure in the beginning. For a week straight, write out or be intentional with what your definition of routine will be. Then start to implement one or two actions at a time. 

    Benefits of a Daily Routine:

    A daily routine can provide self-discipline.

    A daily routine can provide better time management.

    A daily routine can help to give anxiety relief.

